It’s ok to not be happy, being sad is also normal
by Juanita

It’s ok to not be happy, being sad is also normal
Before starting this post I hesitated… A LOT! I don’t want to just write about hard things, I want to also show all the good things I have, but lately, I feel like I’m the coyote from the roadrunner show and life is the roadrunner.
I am hoping not to be the only one that feels this way, and I think is important for people to not feel ashamed to say how they truly feel.
I don’t know who came up with the concept of positivity as we have it right now. On days like today, I can punch someone for telling me to think positive.
There are days that plain and simply SUCK! Some days I wake up feeling like I can take on anything! I am unstoppable! Move away, superheroes! I am here to take your job and save the world.
And there are days like today. I just feel overwhelmed, tired, lost, afraid, and useless.
Dreaming could be exhilarating, bring you happy emotions, and looking into what you hope your future could be is uplifting. That is until you hit one roadblock after another, take the wrong turn, lose your map, hit your pinky toe with every corner, spill your coffee and find yourself in a dark forest with sounds of scary creatures that I’m sure are coming to get me. The worst part is that all of this torment is just in my head.
Every day we all work so hard to smile, to not burden people with our difficulties because everyone is expected to have a bright outlook about everything, and for sure someone is having a harder time than you. But the only thing we are promoting is to teach others that their feelings don’t matter.
I strongly believe in having a good cry, feel sorry for yourself for a little, then get up and keep going. But what about when you keep on this cycle, what if it’s just like living in a constant state of Deja Vu, no matter how many things you change or try to change, you end up right where you started.
It’s so hard to judge someone, God knows I’ve done it more times than I can feel proud to say out loud, and now I am having a lesson that things aren’t always what they seem.
Meditating, having a healthy diet, and even if everything around you is perfect, there is no guaranty that you’ll be happy all the time, heck you might not even be happy for a very long time.
Usually, I try to be positive, I mean, people used to make fun of me because I was always in the mindset that something good was around the corner, those bad things could be turned into good things and somehow I always found the bright side on everything. And now, If I could see my old self the least I would do is roll my eyes and think, just wait, life will beat that mindset out of you, one hit stronger than the last one until you can’t find the light, even if it’s in your face.
I remember telling my son over and over that as long as you have options you’ll be fine. But what about when you don’t have that many? At least not the kind you need? What if you feel that you are drowning and don’t know how to stay afloat?
It could be having a dead-end job, being in a bad relationship, having addictions (drugs, food, alcohol, etc), and not knowing how to switch paths, or just don’t have the means for it.
People in dead-end jobs are there because they are afraid that if they leave they might not find anything better and they might end up in a worse place, people in bad relationships are afraid that they won’t find someone better, they might depend economically, or they are concern on how others will think of them if they leave, people with addictions want to change, but many don’t have the support to go to an AA meeting, someone that shows they believe in them or money to go to a good rehab facility or access to professional help.
And God! The pressure to seem like you have everything under control all the time is so tiring. If you are a Mom, you are expected to do everything, deal with family issues, do house chores that never end, be a nagging wife, and of course share with the world that the best in the universe is to be a mom #blessed!
If you are a guy, then you need to show economical success, be a stud, have a sixpack, and after you get married either become a dominant male or the one that becomes useless and depends fully on their wife all depending on your culture, but no matter what you do, is either the wrong thing or not enough.
How the hell did we end up with these standards? And even more, how are we expected to fit in when we are all different, regardless of what we have in common we are different and that’s part of being an individual!
On days like today, the only thing I look forward to, is to go to bed and hope that tomorrow will be better.
It’s ok to not be happy, being sad is also normal Before starting this post I hesitated… A LOT! I don’t want to just write about hard things, I want to also show all the good things I have, but lately, I feel like I’m the coyote from the roadrunner show and life is the…