What are you willing to do to achieve your goals?

What are you willing to do to achieve your goals?

One of the weirdest things we do as humans is self-sabotage.

Do you know what I mean?  When you are trying to lose weight and start to making progress, you know that awesome feeling to see numbers dropping, then you give in to the urge to indulge and fall of the wagon, and this is all ok… If we got right back on.  But instead, these little indulgences just keep on happening and the easiest way to go about it is to lie to ourselves and start again, next Monday.

That is the same that happens with so many things, you know you need more sleep, for goodness sakes sometimes when you look at the mirror is like watching a character from the walking dead, and at that moment you promise that tonight, I am going to bed earlier, and you might do it for a couple of nights, but then old habits just come back and get back in the same place they were.

What about having peace in your life? WE all have that one thing that triggers all the wrong emotions in us, but for some reason, you want to leave them, but you can’t, you know that person that isn’t really your friend, that makes you feel awful, but at the same time, you can’t help yourself and remain in contact, those videos that give you anxiety, but you are subscribe to receive them, or just watch them so often that now they are part of your feed in any social media platform that you use.

There is this dark part of us that somehow enjoys suffering, even the people that say they don’t and will never, I can assure you, that at some point they have and most likely secretly do. 

I think that’s why we are so fascinated with scandals from famous people. There is a part of us that believe they have achieved all the things we can’t and probably will never do or have in our lives, but then you go and find an article, post, news segment showing how they are not so different to you.  

And then we have to ask, why?  Why are some people more inclined to stick to routines, to regiments, to maintain a steady path that keeps going higher and higher.

Well, I have a couple of ideas.  Do you think is because they were honest with themselves? They fully accepted that things halfway most of the time are the same as nothing, or even more harmful.  

If I tell you that you have two choices to reach the weight you always wanted?  The first option is to wake up every day early, meditate and then work out, drink only water while doing this, oh! Because you also need to fast for sixteen hours, then you need to stop getting food from restaurants and need to cook at least 95% of your meals and you need to do this for the rest of your life, switching a couple of things here and there, but sticking to this regiment.

The second option is to take a pill that will make the weight loss happen, we don’t know how it really works, or what’s in it, and there is a high probability that you get some serious stomach issues and long term develops some permanent health issues, but the chances are not that big, I mean you probably have seen the testimonials, and it seems safe enough. 

Let’s be honest, which one would you choose?

I am pretty sure that if you are being honest you’ll go with the second one, at least in your head, but we all know how this is wrong and the first option is actually the right one. 

Want to know how I am this sure about this? Because I have been there so many times! You and I always want to find the easiest way to get the fastest result with the least amount of effort without considering that they are just temporary fixes that don’t come for free.

I love, LOVE!!!! Sweats, baking goods, carbs, you name it! All the things that seem to have something to make it super addictive.  Do you know what’s worse? I love to bake and I am pretty decent about it.  I used to lie to myself that whatever I had made wasn’t bad, I wasn’t eating it every day, I used less sugar than most people and I barely tasted it.  

You know that you have done this when you know all of this is just BS, You ate a whole piece of that cake and called it a taste.  And you know how you knew it was more than a taste? Because your body showed you.  You probably woke up the next day and felt “Puffy”, well which is called inflammation and is your body telling you that whatever that was, it wasn’t good for your health, and as we age we keep getting more and more warning signs that we just ignore until ignoring them isn’t an option.  And then we go to the doctor, and you hear the same two options I gave you before, and here we go again.  What do you honestly think you’ll choose?

As I am writing here I am thinking how much I would love to have something “forbidden” right now or go quickly to the ice cream shop that is so good! And use the excuse to go out with my husband since we can’t really go to a restaurant, we can at least have that romantic eating ice cream in the car, and I can think of many other things.

Do you know what’s the ultimate solution? Honesty, but honesty with yourself, to for once value things long-term, not just the quick fix or immediate satisfaction.

Now, the last thing I can leave for you is to ask yourself, What are you willing to do to achieve your goals?  Put the work regardless of the effort to achieve a long term, finally becoming who you’ve always meant to be, or keep trying quick fixes with results that go away even faster than you can think?

The biggest challenge, at least for me, has been to learn to love myself, to appreciate myself, and to accept that I deserve better, but that I have to take responsibility and I am the only one that can choose what’s more important, having 5 minutes enjoying something, or being able to do things with my family and be there for them. 

What are you willing to do to achieve your goals? One of the weirdest things we do as humans is self-sabotage. Do you know what I mean?  When you are trying to lose weight and start to making progress, you know that awesome feeling to see numbers dropping, then you give in to the urge…

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